Nationwide Specialists in all mobility products

Storage & Recycling

Of particular benefit to Charities and Benevolent Funds is the unique cost saving Midshires Storage and Recycling service.

When modern serviceable equipment becomes no longer required, for whatever reason, rather than this valuable asset being written off, Midshires can collect, store and reissue a fully serviced and tested product to a deserving new recipient, saving the charity anywhere between 25 and 80% off the cost of a new order, subject to the type of product.

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From one of our secure and fully insured 10,000 sq m warehouses, centrally located in the Midlands, Midshires can provide a truly cost effective and environmentally friendly recycling solution for many mobility products, including Stairlifts, Mobility Scooters, and Powered Wheelchairs.

The Midshires storage and recycling service has already proven to be an invaluable solution for a number of cost conscious organisations, including one of the UK’s leading high profile charities who have acknowledged the considerable financial benefits from the service.

The major features of the Midshires Storage and Recycling Service are:

  • All storage is free of charge
  • Storage is in an exclusive, secure and fully insured warehouse
  • An inventory of the client stock is recorded and all stock movements are monitored by both the client and Midshires
  • Recycled equipment is fully serviced and inspected
  • Reissuing of equipment can be shown to represent up to 1/3 of all products supplied over a twelve month period
  • Recycling of equipment offers considerable cost savings over new products
  • Equipment is reissued at an agreed fixed cost for each product band.
  • The agreed fixed cost includes servicing, re-delivery and handover
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